Monday, January 16, 2012

The Translator- Questions

Question 1: What does Dauod mean when he says "It helps many people just to have someone listen and write thier story down; if thier suffering is noted somewhere, by someone, anyone, then they can more easily let loose of it because they know where it is?" Can you relate to this statment? Explain.

I feel like what Dauod means when he says this is that when someone feels bad if they tell someone they feel better.  That if something was eating at you inside, you have to let it out. If you tell anyone, one more person knows and you don't have to carry it yourself. I can relate to this because when I feel bad and I tell someone I feel better.

Question 2- Part 1 : When Daoud is describing the differences bewteen NGO workers and journalists he says, " The reporters were so different from the NGO workers. They didn't care about paperwork or legalities of borders. They just wanted to write stories that would help people. They also drank (alcohol) alot." Why do you think the journalsits drink alot?
Response: I think that they drink alot to forget thier problems. Because of all the problems they hear can really have a affect on them. Making them feel sad and lonely for them. So drinking alcohol makes them feel numb and a way to pass the time.

Question 2- Part 2 : When describing why he went and bought some beer for Lori and megan, Daoud says: "You have to find a way to laugh a little bit each day despite everything, or your heart will simply run out of joy that makes it go."

Response: I think this qoute means that you have to look on the postive side of life, or you just will always be sad. You have to see the glass half full. My prediction was kinda of right with why they drink alchol to feel  numb.

Question 3:  when describing the captured attackers in the village Daoud refers to the boys age (14yearsold) THREE times in two paragraphs- why do you think he does this?

Response: I think he does that because they are SO young. Fourteen year old teens should not be in war. I think he really wanted to stress the fact.