Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Friendship - descriptive introduction

Sight: Six friends holding hands and jumping into the air.
Smell: A summers day with fresh flowers.
Touch: Touching each others hands.
Sound: Their feet hitting the land as they hit the earth under their feet.
Taste: The air in their lungs.
Feelings: Grateful for having such wonder fill friends.

Every one has friends. Friends to laugh with, friends to talk with, friends to hang out with and do nothing at all.
We meet our friends at school, in our neighbourhood, at the mall, at a sport or by other friends. Our friends share our similar interests, hobbies, passions, favourite sports and so on. We tell the world a little bit about ourselves simply based on the type of friends we have. Our friends can be loud, quiet, outgoing, shy, athletic, popular, not so popular, funny, rude, artistic and most of the time they have many different unique qualities.
Having friends is so important to everyone no matter what your age, race, social status, WHATEVER. We hang out with our friends, tell our secrets to our friends, gossip with our friends, laugh with our friends, shop with our friends and by doing all these we make memories with our friends. Not all friendships last forever.
Sometimes we are only friends with them for a short amount of time, just because they were not the right friends for us. Sometimes friendships last longer, a couple of years, but not forever. Then there are the friends that walk into our life and leave footprints on our heart. Friends that will stick by our sides no matter what happens in our life. Nothing whether it is a fight, a death, a love, a different opinion, NO MATTER WHAT they will be our friends forever until the day we die.

*The intended mood for this blog post was to make the reader think about their friends and really appreciate them.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Zoe,
    I really liked how you made me think of all my friends when you described the types of friendships. It is so true that some friends just don't last forever. Your introduction was very descriptive and the mood you put into your paragraph definately made me think of my friends.Good job!
    -Sammy Wu
